Rich and Colourful

Katrina is our latest new volunteer to visit Bangladesh. A  Hair professional with experience in salon and training, she was a fantastic addition to the team that travelled in January. Here are her reflections

"From the moment I arrived in Bangladesh I was struck by its frenetic pace and vibrancy. For what is generally considered a very poor country, I loved how much effort and detail there is in the painting of rickshaws and trucks resulting in very upbeat and over the top decorations. The bright colours stood out wherever I went.The tempo and sounds are relentless, a total overload on the senses - but I did feel very alive! I was reminded just how alive I felt on the drive up to Mymensingh from Dhaka, with what seemed like countless near misses in my eyes, being perhaps organised chaos for the locals. The drive can take anything from 2- 7 hrs, depending on the conditions and the driver's determination. Needless to say, I was very happy to arrive at Mymensingh and the Hair and Beauty Training Centre and was warmly welcomed by the staff there.My week in Mymensingh flew by, dividing my time between the parlour and the training centre. It was a great privilege to impart some of my industry experience to what was an already a well-established training centre and the more recent addition of ‘Jennifer Spa Parlour’. The local trainers and staff were very open to the up-skilling and ideas I had to offer and I was also surprised how quickly strong relationships were built - not only with the Bangladeshi women but with the other volunteers I worked alongside.A particular highlight for me was being invited to meet a previous student who had set up her own home parlour. The skills that she had learnt through training had enabled her to set up a business in her home, generating an income for her and her family (who I also met) while still being connected with her community. It was a unique opportunity to see a direct positive outcome from the training centre.There were lots of Bangladeshi children of all ages who following us through the streets wherever we went – they were full of fun and were so intrigued by us, it certainly left an impression on me. I have taken away so many amazing things after this unforgettable experience. The rich tapestry of how such a massive population manages to survive, the importance of family support, strong sense of community and the generosity of the people from Bangladesh and all the people that contribute in so many ways from a more privileged background.